如果你前面有讀過 Introduction,那你應該有看到範例中有使用到ReceiveString()和SendString()了,但NetMQ讓我們不只可以傳送和接收字串。




void Receive(ref Msg msg);

bool TryReceive(ref Msg msg, TimeSpan timeout);



// Receiving byte[]
byte[] ReceiveFrameBytes()
byte[] ReceiveFrameBytes(out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameBytes(out byte[] bytes)
bool TryReceiveFrameBytes(out byte[] bytes, out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameBytes(TimeSpan timeout, out byte[] bytes)
bool TryReceiveFrameBytes(TimeSpan timeout, out byte[] bytes, out bool more)
List<byte[]> ReceiveMultipartBytes()
void ReceiveMultipartBytes(ref List<byte[]> frames)
bool TryReceiveMultipartBytes(ref List<byte[]> frames)
bool TryReceiveMultipartBytes(TimeSpan timeout, ref List<byte[]> frames)

// Receiving strings
string ReceiveFrameString()
string ReceiveFrameString(out bool more)
string ReceiveFrameString(Encoding encoding)
string ReceiveFrameString(Encoding encoding, out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(out string frameString)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(out string frameString, out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(Encoding encoding, out string frameString)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(Encoding encoding, out string frameString, out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(TimeSpan timeout, out string frameString)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(TimeSpan timeout, out string frameString, out bool more)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(TimeSpan timeout, Encoding encoding, out string frameString)
bool TryReceiveFrameString(TimeSpan timeout, Encoding encoding, out string frameString, out bool more)
List<string> ReceiveMultipartStrings()
List<string> ReceiveMultipartStrings(Encoding encoding)
bool TryReceiveMultipartStrings(ref List<string> frames)
bool TryReceiveMultipartStrings(Encoding encoding, ref List<string> frames)
bool TryReceiveMultipartStrings(TimeSpan timeout, ref List<string> frames)
bool TryReceiveMultipartStrings(TimeSpan timeout, Encoding encoding, ref List<string> frames)

// Receiving NetMQMessage
NetMQMessage ReceiveMultipartMessage()
bool TryReceiveMultipartMessage(ref NetMQMessage message)
bool TryReceiveMultipartMessage(TimeSpan timeout, ref NetMQMessage message)

// Receiving signals
bool ReceiveSignal()
bool TryReceiveSignal(out bool signal)
bool TryReceiveSignal(TimeSpan timeout, out bool signal)

// Skipping frames
void SkipFrame()
void SkipFrame(out bool more)
bool TrySkipFrame()
bool TrySkipFrame(out bool more)
bool TrySkipFrame(TimeSpan timeout)
bool TrySkipFrame(TimeSpan timeout, out bool more)

注意為了可讀性this IReceivingSocket socket參數被省略掉了。



public static string ReceiveFrameString(this IReceivingSocket socket, Encoding encoding, out bool more)
    var msg = new Msg();
    socket.Receive(ref msg);
    more = msg.HasMore;
    var str = msg.Size > 0
        ? encoding.GetString(msg.Data, 0, msg.Size)
        : string.Empty;
    return str;



public virtual void Send(ref Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions options)



public static class OutgoingSocketExtensions
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data);
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data, int length, SendReceiveOptions options);
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message, bool dontWait = false, bool sendMore = false);
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message, Encoding encoding, SendReceiveOptions options);
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data, int length, bool dontWait = false, bool sendMore = false);
    public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message, Encoding encoding, bool dontWait = false, bool sendMore = false);
    public static void SendMessage(this IOutgoingSocket socket, NetMQMessage message, bool dontWait = false);
    public static IOutgoingSocket SendMore(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data, bool dontWait = false);
    public static IOutgoingSocket SendMore(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message, bool dontWait = false);
    public static IOutgoingSocket SendMore(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data, int length, bool dontWait = false);
    public static IOutgoingSocket SendMore(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message, Encoding encoding, bool dontWait = false);


public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, string message,
                        Encoding encoding, SendReceiveOptions options)
    var msg = new Msg();
    encoding.GetBytes(message, 0, message.Length, msg.Data, 0);
    socket.Send(ref msg, options);

Further Reading

If you are looking at some of the method signatures, and wondering why/how you should use them, you should read a bit more on the messaging philosophy that NetMQ uses. The Message page has some helpful information around this area.